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4天2晚新加坡潇洒自由行含来回豪华巴士+环球影城 ( 2人行 )4D2N SINGAPORE FREE & EASY WITH 2 WAY BUS + UNIVERSAL STUDIO ( 2 to go ) -Valid till 31 Dec 2025 -4SGUSWB


Operation Time: 10:00am~6:00pm

RM 1195.00 RM 1095.00

*包含来回豪华冷气 巴士载送(在吉隆坡指定地方出发)
*Includes 2 nights hotel accommodation (within walking distance to the subway station)
*Includes round trip luxury air-conditioned bus ( departure from KL ONE POINT )
* Include Universal Studio One Day Pass ( Self arrange transport )
*This tour is suitable for 2 people departure and is also suitable for enjoying local food or shopping

You must ask the customer service center 0162222307 to provide a departure date to choose. This package is suitable for departures on ordinary days. If you want to depart on a holiday in Singapore or Malaysia, there will be an additional charge.

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4天2晚新加坡潇洒自由行含来回豪华巴士 ( 2人行 )4D2N SINGAPORE FREE & EASY WITH 2 WAY BUS ( 2 to go ) -Valid till 31 Dec 2025 -4SGFEWB


Operation Time: 10:00am~6:00pm

RM 895.00 RM 795.00

*包含来回豪华冷气 巴士载送(在吉隆坡指定地方出发)
*Includes 2 nights hotel accommodation (within walking distance to the subway station)
*Includes round trip luxury air-conditioned bus ( departure from KL ONE POINT )
*This tour is suitable for 2 people departure and is also suitable for enjoying local food or shopping

You must ask the customer service center 0162222307 to provide a departure date to choose. This package is suitable for departures on ordinary days. If you want to depart on a holiday in Singapore or Malaysia, there will be an additional charge.

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